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Content Marketing Tips for Startups

10 Strong & Proven Content Marketing Tips For The Startups

Updated on: 16/02/2023

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For a business to create a presence on the internet, content is the prime thing. Content or nothing. Content acts as the real heroes when it comes to digital marketing. In this article we are going to discuss content marketing definition, the importance of content marketing strategy, why we need content marketing tips, and a few strategies of content marketing that will blow your startup to another level. Let’s get started. 

What Is Content Marketing?

Any form of information put up on the internet for the purpose of promotion is called content marketing. There can be various forms of content marketing from blogs to videos to even social media posters. These products are created by inserting engaging information to attract the viewer and also educate them about the brand. 

Why Is Content Marketing Important?

Today in the era of digital marketing content marketing stands to be the prime thing. Thus, small and big firms are reaching out to professionals for learning how to improve content marketing strategies. Nothing is complete without good content. A website will only run only if there is good content and so is the thing for the social media handles. So there should be good evergreen content. Or else there will be no website traffic. And without traffic on the internet, the digital presence cannot be created. To inform people about your existence or your brand’s existence there has to be good content that will speak on behalf of you. Now putting random content will not satisfy the work. Every content should be chosen wisely and after doing good market research. There are various factors that depend on choosing the niche of your content. That includes keeping your content within the genre of your business, doing good content marketing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) research, and so on. 

Why Do We Need A Content Marketing Strategy?

As mentioned earlier, content plays an important role in establishing any website. Content and Digital Marketing go hand-in-hand. Good content with the right amount of links and keywords can do magic. Below are some content marketing tips on why we need a content marketing strategy. 

  • Content Marketing Is Affordable

When compared with traditional forms of marketing, content marketing costs nearly 60% less. Along with that it is more convenient and has a much broader scope to reach the right audience. 

  • Content Marketing Uplifts Your Brand’s Presence

Creating brand awareness in the digital market is very important. But what is more important is keeping up with that image and not letting it fall. Content marketing enables that. With content marketing, the owner can constantly come in contact with its customers digitally and make them aware of their existence. 

  • Content Marketing Increase Your Brand Trust and Loyalty

With content marketing, there is a huge chance of reaching out to the audience and getting feedback. This communication helps the business to keep up with the customer relationship thus allowing the customers to trust the business and it has never let them down.

  • Content Marketing Helps You Establish Your Expertise And Authority

Customers will come back to you repeatedly when they know what you are doing. When you publish content from the niche of your industry and also help the audience to solve their queries then the customers will understand that you have a good grasp of your industry and thus that will help you grow your business.

10 Proven Content Marketing Strategy Tips

Below is a list of the most effective content marketing strategy that will help you to curate your content better. 

Use Of Visuals

Make sure when your audience visits your page, show them something that holds them back. Be careful about that. 

What comes on your homepage? Is it a great animated page or just a few texts written? Always remember with texts, visuals are a must. A good visual pays complete value to your content. When you try to convey something to someone through just text they will remember only 20% of that, but as soon as you tell them something in visuals they will remember 70% of that. This is the power of visuals. 

Try to insert an image in every interval of 100-150 words. That makes your content more interesting and that will hold back the interest of the readers. Another way you can attract readers is by putting graphs and infographics in place of plainly written data. That will be quick and attractive. And both these are what a reader wants.  

Write With An Aim Of Going Viral

Never expect every content of yours to get viral, but make every content worth getting viral. That is what matters. Always try to make your content funny, quirky, and shareable. 

There will be days when your content will not hit the digital world much, but don't stop there. Try to make as much original content as possible.  

Never Stop Sharing

It's you who have to take your content to the consumer. You have to market for your brand. Reach out to as many people as possible. Share your content in every possible place for people to see it. That is how your site will gain traffic and will get recognized. Your work doesn’t only stop by just making the content. After creating the content next everything also depends on you. So do that wisely and effectively. 

Do Beyond Blogging

Blogging is important for content marketing but is not the only thing. This is probably one of the best content marketing tips ever mentioned. In fact now with changing times many other factors started to work with blogging. 410 million internet users indeed read blogs, but the blogging sphere has become very saturated, and moreover, other forms of content are getting more priority. One among them is video content. Any user would watch a video over reading a blog if they have anything to know. That is more preferable now and we all know that. So do not depend on blogging completely. Change to video creations, infographics, and many more that will be of help to the users. 

Follow Every Step Of Your Audience

The way content is being consumed has changed over time. It has developed to a great extent. Many new avenues have opened up for both marketers and consumers on the web. 

Now the task is to identify where your tribe belongs? That could be anywhere. That could belong to Twitter. Facebook. LinkedIn. Or even some other places. Once you have identified now start putting your content there. 

Use Curated Contents

This is another important content marketing strategy. Curated contents refer to assembling, selecting, categorizing, and presenting the ideal content that the audience needs. So while making content remember it should always be original. No plagiarism should be encouraged. Take the content quality to your standards. Also, you need to be aware of the digital marketing content ideas and keep on implementing them.

Know Your Target Audience

One of the main features that segregated digital marketing from traditional marketing is that it created the opportunity for selecting the target audience. So use that effectively. 

Target audiences are those who have the chance of availing of your product or service. So your first moto will be to reach out to them. You first have to educate them about your brand. Then comes the rest. So identifying the right targeted audience is very important. It can be based on gender, age, proximity, or anything.

Find The Tools For Managing Your Content

Once you are ready with your contents decide upon the best way to manage them to derive maximum traffic. There is a misconception that content management tools are quite expensive for startups and small businesses to own. But this is not the scenario. 

Trello is a content management tool that is completely free. This helps you to sort your contents and track them better. 

Go For A Publishing Platform 

Another way in which you can reach a mass with your content is by using platforms like LinkedIn, medium, or even quora. These platforms provide a place for enough people to view your content and get inspired by that. 

Headlines Should Be Perfect

The headline of your content decides whether the reader will continue to read your content or not. It acts as an anchor for your content. So try to make it as attractive as possible. Along with being attractive try to make it short yet crisp. Use small words. But convey the full message in the headlines. This tip needs to be considered as one of the most important content marketing tips for small businesses if they want to draw more traffic. Additionally, these, if maintained by the large companies can be beneficial for them as well.


Content writing is no rocket science. Only good market knowledge is the content marketing strategy to establish your content in the digital market. If that is done right everything else will fall in place. Startups have to concentrate more on creating and keeping up with the brand name and here are some important content marketing tips. That’s how it all starts.




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